

発光体/富士山 Shining Object/Mt.Fuji

(English follows) 日の出まもなく、富士山の急斜面を背景に発光を確認(85分ほど継続、強い発光は5分ほど)。煙は見えず、斜面は13km先なので発煙(炎)筒とは考えられないが、山梨県警に確認したところ、遭難や救助要請はなかったとの回答。





Shortly after sunrise, a fairly bright luminescence was observed (lasting 85 minutes, strong luminescence for about 5 minutes) against the steep slopes of Mt.Fuji. No smoke was visible, and since it was 13 km away, it could not be a warning flare, and according to the

Prefectural Police, no distress or rescue call was received.
One climber showed a video of herself pitching her tent in front of the lodge from the previous day and heading for the summit before sunrise, but stated that there was no one around.

Following my experience of capturing on video a mysterious dragon-like flash of light at Kashima Shrine ) , I visited this area to see if the light would also appear at Mt. Fuji, which is said to be connected by ley lines. As for its position as a view, the light was near the Kumokiri (Cutting cloud) Fudo Shrine, and coincidentally, a cloud had appeared that looked as if it had been cut in the shape of Mt.Fuji

The fact that the luminescence exhibited three stages of dim, bright, and light seems to correspond to the brightness of the flame at the birth of the three sons by the goddess of Mt.Fuji. The third child is considered the grandfather of the Japanese emperor as well as the Deity of Kashima Shrine. Does the fact that the third level of dim light continued for about 80 minutes symbolize the long continuity of the emperor’s lineage?

It was raining heavily the day I left for home, but as soon as I left the lodge, the weather cleared up, and when I got on the bus, it started raining heavily again. Similar experiences have occurred several times in the past, and I could not help but feel the dragon god, who is said to control the weather.

白鳥伝説とUFO(発光体の再出現)/The Legend of Swan and the UFO,again


In verifying the “UFO seen over the Shrine,” the same object was captured on video from a different angle.

神社上空の発光飛行物体 Luminious UFO over the Shrine




“over the shrine” means its direction. If it was far away, there could have been other witnesses even at 3:48 a.m., and if it was only a few meters away, I could have been the only one who saw it. Shooting site is a 6-min walk from an unmanned train station surrounded by nature

I was looking directly at the object with the naked eye. It was very bright, but the brightness is almost halved in the video. If you have ever experienced a full moon or bright star seen with the naked eye that appeared dark in a video, you can probably guess that this is an unusually bright light. As to the possibility of helicopter searchlight (Landing light is also used for airborne standby), that could make flickering lights invisible, no accidents were recorded there, so it’s hard to imagine helicopter flight late at night, which is dangerous in the dark rural area (Usually at night the flight routes of passenger aircraft change to the coastline to prevent noise). Military activities are not open to public (Let me know if any). No airfield/base is in the east where the light appeared. It shone and disappeared soon, so the helicopter would need to made a sharp turn toward the ocean where there is no airfield. It is also a mystery why they added bright lights other than aviation lights. If a helicopter flies inland at 3:48 am, residents will complain

Regarding the possibility of drones and illuminated kites, the fact that the light gradually becomes brighter and then gradually disappears in just 16 seconds cannot be explained. Also, for a drone with a small light (Normally flickering) to be visible so brightly, it must have been quite close, and its sound must have been heard (Night flight is not permitted in the vicinity because there are residents and other third parties within a radius of the same length as the flight altitude). If it were a kite, someone would be flying it in the mountain, but the branches would get in the way

神社上空の発光体 The Light above the Shrine

(English follows) 富士山に現れた発光体が、前日に私が「神々のしるしを示し給へ」と富士御室浅間神社で捧げた祈りが叶えられたものであるか、確信がもてなかったため、同じ木花咲耶姫を祭る浅間神社の分社(南房総市白浜)で再び祈りを捧げところ、今度は神社の上空に謎の発光がありました。人工衛星は見えない深夜0時3分であり、火球の光や飛行機のライトとも異なっています。当該位置に明るい星はありません。。発光時間は17/60 (0.283) 秒。
A mysterious light appeared the day after I once prayed at a shrine, “Show me a sign of the gods. However, I was not sure if this was really due to my prayers being answered, so I prayed again at a branch of that shrine, and the next day a mysterious light appeared again. Satellites are not visible at midnight (0:03 am) and the light is different from that of a fireball or airplanes. No bright stars in this position. Luminescence duration: 17/60 (0.283) sec.

神々のサインと発光体/Gods Signs and UFO

前回、神々のしるしを求めて祈った後に鮮明に白く輝く発光体が出現。深夜とはいえ、ヘリの白色灯の可能性がゼロではないと思い、回答を神々に求めて祈ったところ、赤く淡い発光が出現しました(3:30より) Previous time, after praying for a sign from the gods, what appeared was a clear white light. I could not erase the possibility of the white light of the helicopter, and this time, when I prayed to the gods for the answer, a red, pale light appeared (from 3:30)

龍神の閃光 Flash of Dragon God

(English follows) 宮崎の高千穂に先立って神々の降臨があったとされる鹿島神宮の地。その上空に龍神のような閃光を動画撮影しました(2022年12月10日午前2時39分43秒)。肉眼では明るく青白い閃光に見えたのですが、動画を確認すると、薄暗い閃光が1コマ(60分の1秒) にだけ写っていました。稲妻が0.017秒の1コマだけに写ることは考えられず、雨雲は約120 km先でした。





A shrine in Kashima, Ibaraki area where the gods are said to have descended prior to Takachiho, Miyazaki. I took video of a dragon god-like flash above the shrine (Dec10, 2022 at 2:39 a.m.). To the naked eye, it appeared to be a bright, bluish-white flash, but upon checking the video, the dim flash was only visible in one frame (1/60th of a second = 0.017 second). It is inconceivable that lightning could be captured in only one frame of 0.017 second, and at the time, rain clouds were about120 km (75 miles) away.

One month before the flash was captured on video, a film was released called “Suzume no Tojimari,” about the fate of the earth, in which a keystone (located at the Kashima Shrine) becomes a key element. Coincidentally, Kashima is at the eastern end of the Kazu fault, which crosses the Japanese archipelago and splits in two at its tip, which also coincides with the two-horned dragon head-like cloud I photographed over Kashima.

More than that, the flash that I filmed on video looks like the Japanese archipelago or the shape of a dragon, and from the perspective that the Japanese archipelago is a microcosm of the world’s continents, the position of the Japanese archipelago in the Eurasian continent is equivalent to the Kashima area in Honshu. I feel there is an important message here.

Since dragon deities are objects of faith, I felt it rude to take the attitude of confirming whether they are real or not, so I went into the observation with an attitude of respect. However, I myself am not a believer, but a seeker of truth.

神話の丘 Mythical Hill

(English follows) 2021年の初夢で、私は見知らぬ山林の中にいました。目の前に大きな池のようなものがありました。声なき声が「ここに宇宙船がある」と私に告げました。水中の建物の中に制服姿の黒髪の女性たちがいました。そして「タカチホ」という言葉を受け取りました。神話に無関心だった私は、それが神々が降臨したとされる伝説の地とは知りませんでした。しかし伝説は非現実的に思え、その夢を本気で受け止めませんでした。





私はこの丘に近づきながら、なぜかその上空に何かの存在を感じて、空を撮影したい衝動に駆られました。上空にカメラを向けると、そこには細長いウロコ模様の雲が見えました 。するとその龍のような形の雲に重なるように虹色の帯が見えました。太陽は雲の下方(高度25度)にあるので、彩雲という大気光学現象です。仏教では阿弥陀如来が五色の雲に乗ってやってくるとされています。伝承では、龍は天候を操るともいわれます。自然自体が奇跡現象なのかもしれません。その答えを求めて、私はこれからも何かを感じる龍神神社を訪れるでしょう。


In my first dream in 2021, I was in a mountain forest. I was in front of a deep pond. Right in front of me was a large pond. A voiceless voice told me, “Here is a spaceship” There were dark-haired women in uniforms in an underwater building. And I received the word “takachiho” Being indifferent to mythology, I had no idea that it was a legendary place where the gods were said to have descended.But the legend seemed unrealistic and I did not take the dream seriously.

Later I had a series of experiences of encountering something like a dragon god at the shrines I visited, and learned that there is a dragon god shrine that has a high spiritual capacity. When I learned that it was in the remote Takachiho region, I decided to visit it. It is a long distance trip by plane, but I felt it was worth it.

Takachiho in autumn is full of tourists. Takachiho Gorge is especially popular, but I headed for the Dragon God Shrine deep in the mountains. It is called Eight Dragon Gods of Water. The shrine is so old that the year of its establishment is unknown. The sacred tree is said to be 500 years old. It has wide branches and roots at the entrance to the precinct. It looks like a dragon painting in the precinct

There is another shrine 20 minutes away on foot on the mountain road. It is said to be a counterpart of the Eight Dragon Gods Shrine. The base of the sacred tree is hardened with concrete.. I had also received in my first dream the words “concrete hardening”.

Next I headed for the Seoritsuhime (Goddess) Shrine and began walking along the mountain path. Beyond the torii gate is a steep slope. It is located by a clear stream as a shrine of purification.

I then headed for the peak where the gods of the heavens were said to have descended. There is Kushifuru Shrine on a mountainside. Originally, the shrine’s deity was Mount Kushifuru, where the gods of the heavens are said to have descended. There is also a place where the descended gods are said to have worshiped in nostalgia for the heavenly world. The monument was erected on a hill in the mountain in 1966 to advocate that this is the place where the gods descended, based on descriptions in ancient literature.

As I approached this hill, for some reason I sensed the presence of something above it and felt the urge to take a video of the sky. When I turned the camera to the sky above, there were elongated scaly clouds. Then I saw a rainbow-colored band overlapping that dragon-shaped cloud. It is an iridescent cloud, not a rainbow, because the sun is below it (about 25 degrees altitude). In Buddhism, Amida Buddha is said to arrive on a cloud of five colors. According to the lore, dragons are the ones who control the weather. Nature itself may be a miraculous phenomenon. In search of the answer to this question, I will continue to visit the Dragon God Shrines, where I feel something.


I did not record it in the video, but while I was walking along the rocky shore of Amanokawara (Where the ancient gods used to meet), what looked like two clumps of white fog (human size) crossed a few meters ahead of me, side by side. There was no wind, no fog or haze, and since it was by a mountain stream, there was no smoke. I had never seen similarly shaped white fog-like objects moving side by side as a natural phenomenon. I did not feel anything in particular, it was just a strange phenomenon. I took pictures and video after they passed by, but nothing strange was captured.

龍神のような浮遊物体 Floating object like a dragon god

(English follows) 早朝に訪れた山間部の神社の高台から、朝霧の立ち込める山々の景観を撮影し、帰宅後に見直すと、遠くの木々の背後に、網目模様の物体が、空中に揺らめいていました。初めは、高い枝の下の蜘蛛の巣かと思いましたが、大きな巣を吊るすために必要な、広い間隔のあいた複数の枝が見当たらず、さらに浮遊物は枝よりもボヤケており、枝の後方の空間に浮いているように見えました。 また、朝日が左方向から照っているのに、物体は左側が曇っていました。つまり、その物体は向かい側の山々から立ち込めてくる霧の近くで浮いているために、濃霧に近い左側がより曇って見えることが分かりました。

別角度の動画では、枝の位置だけずれるので、ここでもまた、浮遊物は枝より遠くにあるように推測されました。 この神社には水を司り、雨や雲を操る龍神が宿るとされていますが、蜘蛛の巣の網目模様と酷似している今回の浮遊物は、鱗をもつ龍の形状にも似通っていることに気づきました。神社の社の前に立った時、周囲から太鼓の音が聞こえてきましたが、早朝に近くで行事をしているのだろうかと思いました。


I took a video of the view of the mountains in the morning mist from the high ground of a mountain shrine I visited early in the morning, and when I reviewed it after returning home, I saw a net patterned object shimmering in the air behind the distant trees. At first I thought it was a spider web under a tall branch, but I could not find the multiple widely spaced branches necessary to hang a large web, plus the floating object was blurrier than the branches and appeared to be floating in the space behind the branches. Also, the object was cloudy on the left side, even though the morning sun was shining from the left direction. In other words, it seems that the object was floating near the fog coming in from the mountains in the distance, making the left side of the object closer to the dense fog appear cloudier.

In the video from another angle, only the position of the branch was shifted, so again, the floating object was inferred to be farther away than the branches. This shrine is believed to be inhabited by a dragon god who governs water and controls rain and clouds, and I noticed that the floating objects in this case, which closely resemble the web pattern of a spider’s web, also resemble the shape of a dragon with scales. As I stood in front of the shrine, I could hear the sound of drums around me and wondered if there was an early morning event going on nearby.

I had limited knowledge of what a dragon god was, and not knowing that it had been popular in the spiritual world for quite some time, I was dubious about people claiming that ordinary scaly clouds were dragon gods.

示現/日月神示 Manifestation/Hitsukishinji

麻賀多神社(天日津久神社)Makata Shrine (Amanohitsuku Shrine)




麻賀多神社: 和久産巣日神または稚産霊(天照大神、武甕槌命、経津主命の姉神)
天日津久神社:不明 ※岡本天明は参拝後に隣接の神楽殿にて国常立尊(国之常立神)から神示を受けたという

I personally do not feel that the translucent objects flowing from the shrine to the leaves can be considered birds or insects. It was too fast for a bird shadow, too large for a bug, and judging from its size, a bird should have flown at close range of the foliage, and a bug should have flown at close range of the camera, but in neither case no sound of wings could be heard. What is strange is that although it is obvious that the object is moving to the left upon closer inspection, the impression one gets from the entire video is that only a portion of the space appears to be distorted. This difference between actual movement and impression gives the impression of being different from the laws of the physical world.

Whether or not this applies to this case, it has been my experience firsthand that a sign is not something that explicitly imposes a real phenomenon, but the higher the other party is, the more subtle it becomes, which can only be received with delicate senses.

Enshrined Deities
Makata Shrine:Wakumusubi (Elder sister of Amaterasu, Takemikazuchi and Futsunushi)
Amanohitsuku Shrine: Unknown, but Okamoto Tenmei is said to have received a divine message from Kuninototachi-no-mikoto at the adjacent Kaguraden after visiting the shrine.

月水石神社 Gassuiseki Shrine

In April and July 2023, after praying for a “sign” of the goddess at the Sengen Shrine, an unidentified luminous object appeared. So I visited the shrine where the rock on which her sister goddess is said to have died is enshrined, and I prayed for a “sign”

結界とされる橋を囲む半透明の空間 Translucent space surrounding a bridge that is considered a boundary

(English follows) 2022年7月17日午後と、翌日18日早朝に、茨城県の日立にある大甕神(紀元前660年〜)と泉神社(紀元前42年〜)を参拝しました。大甕神社には日本で唯一、星の神(甕星香々背男)が祀られており、その魂が宿ったとされる岩山(宿魂石)があります。国学者の平田篤胤は、その星とは金星であろうと述べています。





In the afternoon of July 17, 2022 and early morning of the next day, July 18, 2022, I visited the Oomika Shrine (660 BC-) and the Izumi Shrine (42 BC-) in Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture. The only shrine in Japan dedicated to the god of the stars, Oomogi Shrine has a rocky hill where his spirit is said to have resided. The Japanese classical scholar Atsutane Hirata stated that the star would be Venus.

When I stood in front of the rocky area, for some reason I wanted to look at the pebbles there. Then, a little further down the rocky path, there was a white pebble with what looked like Sanskrit characters painted on it in vermilion. The shape was very similar to the Braille of Benzaiten. Coincidentally, Omnec Onec, a self-proclaimed Venusian, states that Sanskrit was brought from Venus.

Izumi Shrine is dedicated to the goddess of water, and it is said that when people suffering from drought held a festival to pray for rain in ancient times, a ball that looked like a crystal (spirit ball) fell from the sky and a spring began to spring from it. Even today, the clear water gushes out at a rate of about 1,500 liters per minute, and the emerald green sand at the bottom of the water gives off a beautiful color. The shrine next to the spring was dedicated to Benzaiten, the same Sanskrit character on the pebbles mentioned earlier.

The arch bridge is said to be the boundary between the divine and mundane worlds. The video shows what looks like a translucent round membrane around the bridge. There is no strong light to cause lens ghosting, and since it is digital, no halation occurs. It is not water on the lens, as it appears the same on a video taken with another camera. The bridge is close to the wall, so there is some air flow and it doesn’t seem like a lot of moisture buildup. However, when I first came to the spring, what looked like 5 or 6 light drops of rain gently touched my skin. The sky was clear, and that was the only time it happened. It is a different feeling from leaf drops or cicada droppings.

I hear that a welcome sign at a shrine is a momentary change in the weather, and it rained for a few seconds just after I arrived at the Oomika the day before, then quickly returned to clear skies. If the gods have truly welcomed me, it would be rude to doubt them, so I would like to accept them gratefully.

龍神池上空の発光飛翔体 ~ Luminous flying object over the Dragon God Pond

(English follows) 12月23日午前5時30分に動画撮影されたこの光体は流星や人工衛星の光と形状が異なり、デジタルノイズとも違い、コマごとに形状が変化しています(1コマは1/60秒)。現場上空での飛行機のライトはもっと薄く、明滅を繰り返すものです。




This glowing object was captured on video at 5:30 a.m. on December 23. Its light shape is different from that of meteors and satellites, and unlike digital noise, its shape changes from frame to frame (1 frame is 1/60 second). Airplane lights seen on that site were much dimmer and flicker on and off.

In the first place, it is hard to imagine that the reflected light of a satellite at an altitude of 400 km or more would appear large in the sky at a high angle, in a sky where the flicker of an airplane at a maximum altitude of 10 km is only faintly visible (The satellite shown in the video was taken at another location 40 minutes after sunset in Tokyo, and the stars appear brighter.)

The sound (noise) in the first half of the video footage is not the sound emitted by the light body, but the wind that was blowing outdoors and the sound of my clothes rubbing against each other (I was wearing many layers of clothing in the extreme cold).

As I was checking the direction of this unidentified luminous object on the map, I was surprised to notice a coincidence. In that direction, there was a shrine where I prayed for UFO video shooting. And it was in the same direction as the sky above Dragon God Pond. I had taken one still picture of the pond, and the branches and leaves of the trees were reflected in the water. Maybe it was a coincidence of the ripples on the water, the wind, and the branches and leaves, but it looked like a golden creature

On April 23 – 24, 2002, A fixed light was visible below the summit from midnight to dawn, but was not seen during the same period of the day before. I checked with the town office and learned that there was no night work but that a nearby small lodge was in use that day (no use the day before), and while in use, the nearby public toilet is lit all night, and that that’s all they can think of. I know that lodge’s leaked room light would not shine strongly and all night, but I wonder if the covered toilet light behind the ramp can look so brightly through the woods. Hard to pinpoint the location, but assuming the light is on the mountain and not in the space in front of it, the light would be close to the toilet. Revisiting the lodge is the best way to confirm, but that’s not easy because it’s far away, the lodge is used only a few times a month, the light is not visible in bad weather, and I need to secure the same room of the inn to observe, etc.

秩父上空のUFO /UFO over Chichibu Mountains

When observing UFOs/UAPs, I observe the sky and other objects directly with the naked eye, without looking at the camera monitor, in order to have a wide field of view and to avoid misidentification of digital noise. This time, in the upper left corner of my field of view, I witnessed a larger, dim luminous body flying in a U-shape. However, the front-facing camera only had a video record of a portion of the light trail (a straight line of descending movement). The light was shorter for a meteor (fireball).

撮影日時 Date of shooting: 03:56 am, October 20,2023

月の入り/月の出 Moonset/Moonrise: 19:46 on Oct 19/11:22 on Oct 20, 2023

龍神神社/Dragon God Shrine


神明宮と日蓮/Shrine and Nichiren